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Workforce Management: Technician Efficiency

Workforce Management: Technician Efficiency

Are your technicians losing valuable time? Workforce efficiency depends on two critical components: accessible data and technician productivity. On Tuesday we looked at the ways data sharing can help streamline processes. Today we’ll explore how M4 Solutions can help...

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Workforce Management: Data Visibility

Workforce Management: Data Visibility

Is your workforce as efficient as it could be? With more than 30 years of experience in the telecommunications industry, we’ve seen two common workforce management frustrations: poor information visibility and technician inefficiency. M4’s workforce management...

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The 4 Ways Your Dispatchers Benefit from a GIS

The 4 Ways Your Dispatchers Benefit from a GIS

Are your dispatchers as efficient as they could be? Using a GIS system, your dispatchers and operators can save time and anticipate needs with accuracy. Smart maps provide situational awareness, increased planning capabilities, efficient field operations and improved...

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The Keys to Strong Customer Relationships

The Keys to Strong Customer Relationships

Think for a minute about your favorite restaurant or retail store. What makes them your favorite? I’m willing to bet that it’s more than just the burrito or the shoes that keeps you coming back—positive interactions and a feel-good atmosphere probably contribute to...

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Don’t Miss the Form 477 Enrollment Deadline!

Don’t Miss the Form 477 Enrollment Deadline!

We want to help you submit FCC Form 477 before the upcoming spring deadline. On March 1, providers across the nation are expected to upload all data as of December 31 into the FCC’s online filing system. This comprehensive form includes information on service...

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