Transport Providers

Maintain your long-haul network with a variety of tools at your fingertips.

Long-haul and transport companies require a robust system to monitor and maintain their vast networks. Providing service over great distances can be costly, but managing your network doesn’t need to be. With one easy-to-navigate and intelligent map, long-haul and transport providers can view their fiber networks as a whole and drill down to unique instances all within the same system.

Our open-interface approach allows users to keep their processes in place, integrating data from different sources into one main repository for information. M4’s modular solutions let you build the workflows that best suit the unique needs of your long-haul or transport company.


How can M4 Solutions improve operations for you?

  • Monitor your plant, down to the smallest details, with an integrated mapping solution. Watch your network map come alive with information from your billing system, NMS/EMS Systems, CRM software and more.
  • Take your data out into the field using a web-enabled interface. Accessible from anywhere, M4 Web Console allows users to search, view and verify data, while also accessing information such as plant and customer location.
  • Improve outage management and response time with tools such as M4 Fiber and M4 Circuit Manager. Users can design, monitor and manage plant from end-to-end and easily view affected areas during network outages.
  • Keep track of dark fiber and other types of Indefeasible Rights of Use (IRUs) with an intelligent map backed by accurate data.
Long Haul Fiber

We've built a variety of products for Transport Providers

Want to see a more in depth view of how these modules work?

Featured M4 Modules for Transport Providers