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FRS and the Importance of Rural Education

FRS and the Importance of Rural Education

Many school-age children in the US have access to high-speed broadband and can rely on the world-wide web to complete school assignments. But for students living in America’s most rural communities, internet access can make the difference between earning a passing...

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What is an M4 Users Conference 1-on-1?

What is an M4 Users Conference 1-on-1?

The M4 Users Conference is a unique opportunity for hands-on learning with Mapcom Systems. For individual project consultation, there’s no better option than our 1-on-1 sessions. Today we’ll answer all of your questions about these meetings: what they are, who you’ll...

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Celebrating Smart Rural Communities

Celebrating Smart Rural Communities

As the NTCA Fall Conference approaches, excitement builds for a new round of Smart Rural Community award winners. While we eagerly await the announcement, let’s reflect on a few of the past winners whose accomplishments have inspired others to follow suit. Here are...

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What Alphabet Means for You

What Alphabet Means for You

By now you’ve seen the headlines concerning the somewhat surprising restructure happening at Google, announced August 10th. Alphabet, Google’s new parent company, comes with an overhaul of resources, priorities, and most importantly, products. So what does this mean...

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